Monday, June 30, 2008

X-Play Day 1

My Name is Jake. This week I went to X-PLAY! I came at 9:00 and I am leaving at 3:00pm. I went to 5 tracks; Wacky Science, Water Games, Wood Working, Geocaching, and Blogtastic. In Wacky Science we did Mentos and Coke experiments and we put raisins with vinegar water and baking soda. At wood working I built a tank. At Water Games we did two inflatables. At Geocaching we started to hunt for a cache. At Blogtastic we started this blog. Stay in tune for more updates from tomorrow's exciting day. Hopefully I will add some pictures to go with.


Jake said...

So glad you had fun on your first day at x-play. I hope you catch a cache tomorrow and that you don't blow anything up in wacky science. Let me know how today went!


Unknown said...

WOW! A full day of fun it looks like- well sounds like. I hope you can add some pictures tomorrow too. I know those in digital photography have been busy taking pictures- can't wait to hear how tomorrow goes. Did the mentos really go straight up in the air?
Mrs. Tara

Jake said...

Jake sounds like you had lots of fun. Hope to hear lots more about you days at X-play this week. I love you mom:)

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that you had fun at xplay. I miss you bubba and look forward to seeing you Friday. Love you sissy